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1. Setup the Google project

To set up Google OAuth, please go to the Google API console and log in using your Google account.

Setup up the project


Next, navigate to the OAuth consent screen tab to configure the OAuth consent screen.

Configure consent


3. Register your Google app

Register your Google app by following these steps:

Register the app


4. Create a credential

Goto the Credential tab.



Create a credential for your app:

Create a credential


Ensure you've set Redirect URIs properly

In the Google OAuth configuration, configure the following:

After creating the Client ID, you will obtain the Client ID and Client Secret.



5. Configure SetherAuth

Add the Google OAuth connection and enter the Client ID and Client Secret in SetherAuth.

Google Connection


You can now use Google as a third-party service to complete authentication.

6. OneTap Login (Optional)

Once you've added the Google OAuth Connection:

  1. Navigate to the application page,
  2. Open the Connections tab
  3. Add the Google Connection
  4. Switch the Rule from Default to One Tap