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MPC Wallets solve several of the long-standing issues with both self-custody, and exchange custody of cryptocurrency wallets. SetherAuth provides an MPC network to manage your wallet.

Distributed Key Generation

Wallets have secret keys, which are used to sign messages. SetherAuth generates this secret using its distributed MPC network where network nodes act in concert in such a way that neither party can learn the secret key.

Distributed Signature Generation

In order to create a signature, complex cryptographic computation needs to be done. We might assume that in order to do that computation, we would need the MPC shards to come together so that both parties can learn the secret, but that isn't the case. Instead, by being careful about what information is sent and received by each party, it becomes possible to compute the signature for an arbitrary message without needing to learn any new information - the MPC parties just cooperate to run the algorithm.

Key rotation

If an adversary learns the MPC key shards, they would be able to gain control of the wallet, and sign whatever messages they please. To guard against this, the SetherAuth allows the user to rotate their shares while keeping the public key of the wallet the same. New shares become incompatible with old ones, meaning that an adversary would need to learn two shares from the same epoch. Frequent rotations makes this a difficult task.


This is actively being integrated in SetherAuth and is currently work in progress.